The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus. 工人们期望年终分红。
The cash and share bonus suspensions are targeted on the wider team rather than just the traders under investigation, people close to the situation said. 知情人士表示,暂停现金与股票奖金发放的对象不仅是被调查的交易员,还包括整个外汇交易团队。
Share out bonus is sure to divide outside having basic safeguard function, still can be sure every year according to share out bonus the management circumstance of business, decide bonus allocation, this is the biggest characteristic of this product. 分红保险除具有基本保障功能外,每年还可以根据分红保险业务的经营情况,决定红利分配,这是本产品的最大特点。
Bonus is converted having a premise is share out bonus of this fund implementation. 红利转投有一个前提就是该基金实现分红。
If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send, give bonus), criterion your whats need not be done. 假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。
If be cash share out bonus, should go up in negotiable securities card, you can go to a bank turning it to your corresponding account. 假如是现金分红应该在证券卡上,你可以去银行把它转到你的对应账户上。
Want to distinguish the insurance that drops to the child to achieve what goal above all, it is to belong to healthy safeguard model, investment share out bonus or safeguard of provide for the aged. 首先要分清给孩子投的保险达到什么目的,是属于健康保障型、投资分红型还是养老保障型的。
And after buying share out bonus of lucky be satisfactory to both sides to be sure, insurance company gives the long-term and healthy assurance of an exempt insurance premium of20 years even freely, accrual is very considerable. 而且在购买了吉祥两全分红保险后,保险公司还要免费赠予一份20年的豁免保险费的长期健康保险,收益是非常可观的。
In contemporary insurance investment share out bonus insurance has replaced pension insurance gradually. 在现代保险中投资分红型保险已经逐渐取代年金保险。
What cries blue chip? With red prepare what is the area? If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send, give bonus), criterion your whats need not be done. 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。
Stock means a share certificate, issued by joint-stock enterprise or company whereby to certify the shareholders 'ownership of the stock and authorize them to earn share interest and bonus. 股票是股份企业或股份公司发给股东,证明其享有股票所有权,股东可凭此取得股息和红利的证书。
The price that just came down except authority commonly you are OK according to numerate of plan of share out bonus. 一般刚除权下来的价钱你是可以根据分红方案算出来的。
Because the date of share out bonus of fund is not affirmatory, the time of condition of share out bonus that when foundation is satisfying this fund to issue, provides is red, but with not be compulsive. 因为基金的分红日期是不确定的,基金会在满足该基金发行时规定的分红条件时分红,但是以并不是强制的。
Advocate if see you eat, have why to plant fund, some fund revise the means of share out bonus of fund not to collect fees, some fund revise the means of share out bonus of fund to collect fees, specific see fund allocation plan. 主要是看你吃有何种基金,有些基金修改基金的分红方式不收费,有些基金修改基金的分红方式收费,具体看基金分配方案。
Participate employees share holding program and enjoy bonus from the program. 加入员工分红入股计划,享受分红;
Tell investor to cannot share out bonus namely except authority? 除权就是告诉投资者不能分红吗?
To buy and sell ( stock, for example). Bonus share: A share given as a Bonus to purchasers of shares. (股票)交易购买及销售(如股票)红利股:作为红利赠送给股票购买者的股票。
If you now average, day of share out bonus can share out bonus. 假如你现在买进,分红日是可以分红的。
The main feature with safe share out bonus depends on: policy-holder assures a benefit besides what can get guarantee slip sets outside, return the operation result that can enjoy insurance company. 分红保险的主要特征在于:投保人除了可以得到保单规定的保证利益外,还可以享受保险公司的经营成果。
See you at the outset whether set share out bonus is converted endowment, turn into fund portion directly. 看一下你当初是否设定了分红转投资,直接转成了基金份额。
The fund that I buy in bank bar, want to modify way of share out bonus now, can be you revised on the net? Revise want poundage? 我在银行柜台买的基金,现在想修改分红方式,可以在网上修改吗?修改要手续费吗?
Above all, share out bonus is sure to have safeguard and investment double function. 首先,分红保险具有保障和投资双重功能。
It reveals the principle of assets price about macro factor ( discount rate) and micro factor ( corporate net return per share, bonus share, current capital), and depicts the weightings of the factors. 此模型揭示了证券价格与宏观因素(利率)、微观因素(收益、股本、分红)的规律,刻划了它们影响证券价格的具体权重;
In the ripe capital market in the West, cash share out bonus is a normal behavior in the decision-making process of listed companies as well as most ordinary and most common form of dividends distribution of listed companies. 在西方成熟资本市场中,现金分红是上市公司经营管理过程中一项正常的决策行为,也是上市公司最普通最常见的股利分配形式。
Is It insisted annual cash share out bonus 11 years to list, This paper analyzes why the company adopts such a long and steady cash dividend distribution policy and what influence does it the policy brings to itself. 那么,该公司为何要采取这种长期稳定的现金股利分配政策,公司采用该政策将给自身带来什么影响,本文对此作出了分析。
We found that the tracking error is affected outstanding by the management cost and the share bonus of the component, and the proportions of the influence by the two factors are close. 文章最后对跟踪误差的产生原因作了分析,发现管理费用和成分股分红对跟踪误差都有显著的影响,并且这两个因素对跟踪误差的影响比例相近。
There is perennial not listed company shareholder of share out bonus, control, the right way, in cash dividend distribution of dividends on quantity and distribution of cash dividend accounts to the proportion of listed companies with mature securities market has the very big disparity. 上市公司也存在长年不分红的情况,控股股东控制公司,损害中小股东的权利,在分红方式上现金股利分配数量和采取分配现金红利所占上市公司的比例与发育成熟的证券市场存在很大差距。